While Parenting Coordination is an excellent option for many families, for some it is not the best
option. Despite the best of efforts, Parenting Coordinators are not miracle workers.
Even if encouraged to participate by their attorneys, some parents embark upon the process as
sceptics. Having grown discouraged over time with the lack of improvement in the relationship with the
other parent, they feel exhausted. That being said, those who start off reluctant might end up finding
the process quite beneficial. On the other hand, without at least some commitment to success and
genuine willingness to at least give the process a try, PC struggles to succeed.
Some people with certain personality types, such as a narcissist for example, impede the
process, particularly if the parent lacks the ability to acknowledge role they play or that they have any
When a parent has a significant mental illness, sometimes that can cause an impediment to
success. The power balances of a domestic violence situation present unique challenges.
Parties with a history of not following a court’s orders often resist following a PCs advice.
Even with all of these impediments, PCs still can help parents secure gains. PCs are often the
end of the road for some of the most entrenched families with no other options. In these cases, perhaps
the goal is refined to contain a troublemaker and set limits, or to focus on minimizing problems rather
than achieve true growth in the relationship.